With the Spritz fee calculator in the "Help" tab of your Spritz Account, you can quickly verify your off-ramp transaction's cost without the hassle!
Bank account
For transfers directly to a bank account, not a debit card.
Virtual Card
This is where you'll calculate load/top-up fees for the SpritzCard(s) that you've created. Remember: there are no transaction fees when using a virtual SpritzCard.
For Any crypto bill payments that you make will be calculated here
Debit card
Whenever you are off-ramping directly to a debit card tied to a bank account, rather than the bank account itself.
What about payment addresses?
When using a payment address, use the corresponding Fee Calculator option for the payment address's destination (bank account, SpritzCard, etc.).
Where is the Fee Calculator located?
You'll find the Fee Calculator under the "Help" tab in the left-side menu!